
Bella Hadid is deserving of our attention because... oh, she’s not. Yet another kid of some kind-of-famous-very-rich parents who got mummy and daddy to pay for plastic surgery so she could take a shortcut to a modelling career.

You are really making a push to be my Loverboy, aren’t you?

first victoria’s secret, then h & m?

2005bc more likely.

And Winona Ryder spent an entire decade relegated to b list supporting roles...for shop lifting.

I would say a freestyle on a radio station would do just fine

She can play at being high and mighty and not respond, but ultimately it will hurt her.

Jeff. Gillooly.

A century after women were “granted” the right to vote by men and we’re still dealing with this shit. I’m so fucking tired of this.

Hippos are totally the best; I am heartbroken. What kind of psycho would do such a thing?

The-Dream is criminally underrated. His Love trilogy of albums are classics, and I’m so grateful that he continues to be a frequent Kanye collaborator.

This response cracked me up. I’m not even sure why.

lol Someone brings up not being able to go to baby showers as a reason against abortion and I’m laughing in their faces and then falling out the damn van still laughing.

sorry prachi! i was trying to be parodic, but that might not be where the country is right now - lunacy is the new norm.

She then lists an alarming number of fake “emotional effects:” depression, regret, being triggered around the date of the abortion (something she called the “anniversary effect”), and that some women will be unable to go to baby showers for the rest of their lives.

Well, when trans people have complete re-assignment surgery they can’t have children anymore, so that is an abortion of all their potential children. /s

On Facebook, I said she looked beautiful in the comment section for Rocky Horror Picture Show. She liked it and I was absolutely over the moon when I saw that.

No, silly. If a dick is exposed within 20 feet of vagina, it will flip the innate switch present in all females’ bodies, triggering them to become a skanky McSlutterPants who has sex outside of marriage.  And then they’re going to want to us to pay for the murder of the innocent bebeh they created by being a