Doesn’t ill = sick = good, in which case the name fits? Or am I woefully stuck in the past?
Doesn’t ill = sick = good, in which case the name fits? Or am I woefully stuck in the past?
If life developed on any of those worlds to the point of being intelligent they’d be blown away by how long years are on our planet.
My therapist once told me that everything I did didn’t have to be for the cause. She was a smart woman and all of her advice served me well, so I’m gonna go with her on that one.
Please let “Good Dogs Of Famous World Leaders” be a running thing.
In the Spring of 2016, writer Jessa Crispin abruptly closed her beloved literary blog Bookslut and subsequently gave…
I wish I was RuPaul.
Speaking of sleeping with much younger men...
She also isn’t a mediocre singer and doesn’t have a large, shapely booty.
Cate Blanchett...Shante, you stay.
Maybe unpopular opinion but...Zoe is so attractive but her acting is so horrible it takes me out of whatever she is in :(
Am I the only one out there that never wants to eat while drinking? It actively *keeps* me from wanting food, even if I was hungry before the first cocktail.
If you are a fan of Bourdain, the new yorker ran a interesting piece on him last week.
I kinda feel like I got that dark-haired tough-gal thing goin’ on... ;)
Man, Tony Bourdain has a type, doesn’t he?
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