The man is brilliant, of course. A baller and a scholar!
The man is brilliant, of course. A baller and a scholar!
Not only sexy as fuck, but it was a pretty revolutionary performance. The first interpretation that I’m aware of was Jose Feliciano at the World Series. He caught a lot of shit for it, but I thought that we had moved beyond that in 2017. (Although I thought we had moved beyond a lot of shit by 2017, and that turns out…
Nelly Furtado is awesome and I want to meet Tony :)
this is awesome. I love this so much.
Margaret Sanger opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in October of 1916, which would eventually evolve…
Yeah, I’m worried about my weeknd business too. Weirdly warm weather, no excuse not to clean out the gutters. Putting up that ladder two stories is scary and if I fall and die it’ll because I’ll be distracted thinking about how much I hate Donald Trump. Me and Selena, we both have precarious weeknd business.
Fair question!
WOW I did not realize how much her daughter looks like her.
He walked by me once in Budapest, can confirm he smells fantastic
Urban John Legends.
I worked at Lenny’s record label during the 90's and met him a number of times. Super nice guy. Smelled good too, even post-concert.
I texted my high school-aged niece about this, but she hasn’t replied. Maybe I need to tell her that I just saw Kylie Jenner at Equinox, or that MAC is releasing new Selena lipstick shades. I’ll report back.
Quite obviously, the people are heavy users of crystal meth and are trying to hide their horrible teeth.
Maybe this is a way to hide the recent nose job surgeries? I dunno what teens are up to these days.
I feel like this is some wannabe-kawaii bullshit. It’s just oh so cute and infantalizing when you cover your mouth when you smile/laugh. YOU’RE ALREADY INFANTS!
The pose says “I can’t stop you from taking a shitty photo, but I can stop facial recognition software from fucking up my life, maybe.”
50% of this country is also dumber than the other 50% of this country.