Might I recommend Sex Is a Funny Word, which might be alright for your kid in another 3.5 years, and which has equal time for queer and gender-nonconforming folks (and folks with disabilities too).
Might I recommend Sex Is a Funny Word, which might be alright for your kid in another 3.5 years, and which has equal time for queer and gender-nonconforming folks (and folks with disabilities too).
I’d be embarassed. When their kids were little, my brother and his wife would answer sex questions with “Ask Aunt Zabella” because they found my reactions hilarious.
I’m very pregnant, and my kid (3.5 years old) knows that there’s a baby in Mommy’s tummy that’s going to come out soon. But the other day he asked me, out of nowhere, with a comedically furrowed toddler brow, “Mommy, how did the baby get IN your tummy?”
Don said sex is when a man makes his willy go really hard and then beats the woman with it’...Lucky I got to her first.
OMG that’s who she is?! I kept squinting trying to figure out if that was Felicity Jones or Claire Foy.
YES Ruth is killing it in that dress, my god.
I’ll take most of those dresses, please.
What would Mr. Clean be considered? He’s not hairy enough to be a bear? Not an otter, I think he’s too old?
Damn you, sexy Flanders.
Stupid Flanders butt!
Well I am 99% sure that Mr. Clean is gay after watching this commercial. Pretty sure you would have seen several guys in the exact same outfit and one gold hoop earring at a gay club during the 90s.