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ok the trailer itself creeps the hell out of me so to cleanse my palate i’ll be watching this all afternoon

“You can’t cancel Mexico, you’re fired!”

Well force them to do us an embarrassing dare like yell they like sex in public and also they owe 12 favors, 1 for each billion; one good use of a favor would be a beer run for the Senate.

“There will be a payment. It will be in a form, perhaps a complicated form,”

Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

You’d also have to find one of Julianne’s hated pens and respool the cassette tape after getting it all tangled in the machine.

My last car had a tape deck. I would make mixed tapes. The cassette tapes got harder and harder to find. And I could only make the tapes when I was at my parents house because they had the stereo with the CD player and the tape deck. I made some awesome, angsty literal mixed tapes. And I prided myself on getting the

I am dumbfounded that its 2017, and people are actually debating if its okay to punch nazis in the face. Our grandparents would be so goddamn disappointed in us.

This looks so cheesy. I’m definitely going to watch it.

The pilot is just a montage of high school kids walking into thrift stores and garage sales trying to find a boombox with dual tape decks and a microphone jack.

jesus, I wasted my life getting an education and reading books, raising a family, etc.

In case you didn’t believe me:

Cassettes are popular with the emo, hip youngs right now.

It’s a hipster suicide story.


Have you seen her in a thong?

Ooooh, cassette tapes!


ARe we also gonna get a remix version(s) of Shia punching the Nazi?