
Also how have you guys not learned by now how much I love stupid shit?

I know this post isn’t about Oprah, but that video made me love her even more. Everyone can fangirl!

Laura Perry was such a knockout in her Capri pants!

I LOOOOVED Cool it Now. That was one we choreographed dances to in the backyard, heh.

I want to wear this every day of my life.

If I were going to the Oscars, I would want this one:

I would be the worst model ever in an Elie Saab dress. I would skip, twirl down the runway, Enchanted-style while feeling like a princess.

I’m gonna need one of each, plz.


(Caleb McLaughlin, best known for Stranger Things)


I’m so thankful to women like Zendaya who are normalising fake hair. I’m a white woman who wears a lace front wig due to severe trichlomania. It’s seriously amazingly how fascinated non-wig wearers are when they find out about it, and I think most of the white women I know would secretly love to wear a bunch of

I want, like, the PBS version of that show. Give him an hour (WITHOUT commercials) to talk to people who own vineyards, or walk us through how best to season a cast-iron pan, or have a side section on various types of salt and why Himalayan salt is pink.

Ted Allen is a national treasure and this new reboot should just be Ted Allen teaching people how to cook and educating us all on wine pairings.

Half the time I see Ted Allen on Chopped, I wonder why/how he ever did Queer Eye, try to remember him on it, and only remember Carson.

The B stood for Badass, right? Or was it Baller?
