Also how have you guys not learned by now how much I love stupid shit?
Also how have you guys not learned by now how much I love stupid shit?
I know this post isn’t about Oprah, but that video made me love her even more. Everyone can fangirl!
Laura Perry was such a knockout in her Capri pants!
I LOOOOVED Cool it Now. That was one we choreographed dances to in the backyard, heh.
I want to wear this every day of my life.
I would be the worst model ever in an Elie Saab dress. I would skip, twirl down the runway, Enchanted-style while feeling like a princess.
I’m gonna need one of each, plz.
Red carpet fave Elie Saab showed his latest couture line in Paris Wednesday and I guarantee you will see these looks…
(Caleb McLaughlin, best known for Stranger Things)
New Edition’s first big song, “Candy Girl,” released in 1983, was a sweetheart of a hit designed to evoke Jackson…
I’m so thankful to women like Zendaya who are normalising fake hair. I’m a white woman who wears a lace front wig due to severe trichlomania. It’s seriously amazingly how fascinated non-wig wearers are when they find out about it, and I think most of the white women I know would secretly love to wear a bunch of…
I want, like, the PBS version of that show. Give him an hour (WITHOUT commercials) to talk to people who own vineyards, or walk us through how best to season a cast-iron pan, or have a side section on various types of salt and why Himalayan salt is pink.
Have you truly learned the difference between extensions, weaves and wigs in your lifetime? Many black women are…
Ted Allen is a national treasure and this new reboot should just be Ted Allen teaching people how to cook and educating us all on wine pairings.
Half the time I see Ted Allen on Chopped, I wonder why/how he ever did Queer Eye, try to remember him on it, and only remember Carson.
The B stood for Badass, right? Or was it Baller?