
I considered an IUD but instead I’m going to twist What’s-His-Name’s arm and DEMAND that he get a vasectomy. I’ve been kind of half-assedly suggesting it for the past few years but now I’m determined that HE will be in charge of the non-baby-having part of the equation. I’ve been avoiding it for 26 years now except

I have a Mirena and I don’t have periods but I have a 9 month old that’s breastfeeding so who knows why I don’t bleed.

Get out of here with that common sense of yours. This is America and this is no place for such a concept.

I also have Planned Parenthood as my designated donation recipient for Amazon Smile. Every little bit counts.

If the GOP insists they’re the party of fiscal responsibility and want to reduce government spending, they should be providing MORE money to Planned Parenthood so that women of all income levels can afford birth control.

I think it’s his stature/physique. I don’t know how to word it — if he were a woman I’d say he had a nice figure. And he looks like he has a big dick fr fr.

I think it’s the hair.

You like tall guys?

When he took his helmet off for the first time in Star Wars I audibly moan-gasped in the theater on Christmas day.

Can anyone tell me why I find Adam Driver hot? I still haven’t figured it out.

My winner.

Karreuche looks like shit and I am offended by her dress. Her stylist needs to be fired. It looks like a prom dress from Deb and she is drowning in that ruching. Ugh! WHY!

Why the eff is Karreuche Tran anywhere near a red carpet (also her dress is ugly and should have been hemmed). If Lena Dunham is there, please don’t report on her.

I doubt that musicians appearing in 2017 signed a contract in 2001.

these NAMES

I guess this is out of style now that cosleeping is in style, but my parents just told us that bedrooms are private places, that you shouldn’t go in someone else’s without permission, and that if someone leaves the living room or the kitchen to go to theirs they probably want to be left alone. They were pretty good

Lol...boring because they’re overplayed and don’t have much soul. You hear each one approximately 100 times a year in every elevator, department store, television ad, and chain restaurant...but okay, be this fragile. Go ahead. 😂

Hot take: can the fur be fake, please? Not to get all PETA up in here.. but real fur bums me out because dead animals. K thanks!