
Pretty much. Look at King of Queens. Improbably hot wife. Check. Professional Driver. Check. Comic relief neighbor. Check. Blue collar best friend. Check.

I’ve never seen enough episodes to confirm that there are barely masked threats of Partner violence played for laughs but I’m sure it’s in there.

Isn’t every Kevin James sitcom a reboot of The Honeymooners?

Ugh. So very attracted to this man at all the weird twists and turns of his life.

The only psychological problems caused by abortion is in the anti-choice, anti-rights crowd that goes hair on fire with just the mention of the word.

I would donate to a campaign to distribute pamflets with this info outside those places

Won’t someone please think of the MEN!

It’s not to save fetuses. It is to punish the slutty mcsluts for having sex, and refusing to sleep with them.

Yeah, but even the idea of abortion is likely to cause psychological problems for deranged men who then choose to shoot up abortion clinics in a desperate bid to save poor fetuses.

I don’t like Chris Pratt or Anna Faris. There, I said it. I feel better now.

No excuse! My dad’s name is Ernest.

I am a kid person with a five year old and I find it fucked up. Just like when some dumbass asks me if my kid has a little girlfriend at kindergarten. I promptly get on my rabid soapbox and explain that sexualizing five year olds is fucked up and he has FRIENDS and on and on...

Kelly, we all know they are actual cousins. Let’s end the charade.

Did I ever tell you guys about this one time when it was almost Christmas time, and there I stood in another line trying to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood. And standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously, pacing around like little boys do. And in his hands he held a

The shame of it all was that that kid was just two weeks away from retirement.

Nope, he died alone, unloved and afraid. His last words were “No hope...no...hope...”

Clearly a hipster wanna-be Santa. For shame.

so the kid lived?

This still holds true, although maybe not with clothes as much. The body types and hairstyles most in demand are the ones most people can’t attain.

All fashion through history can best be described as this: wearing something that the commoner can’t.