i like coloring books. i was just coloring last night. I realize how “basic” it is, but i enjoy it. It has also helped me to quit smoking - keeps my hands busy.
i like coloring books. i was just coloring last night. I realize how “basic” it is, but i enjoy it. It has also helped me to quit smoking - keeps my hands busy.
Mercury poisoning really could explain a lot about Ms. Carey.
ty for allowing me to speak my truth.
I know, not to be shallow but I find that man fine as hell.
Oh Adam, no movie is worth losing that awesome bod you had!!
Popular themes for TV shows:
But ... what’s up with Khloe’s waist or lack thereof? Is that photoshop or a weird angle?
Man, that picture of them blows me away. They were so much more natural looking back then. And Rob—holy hotness. Plus, Kylie (not pictured) was still wearing her human form back then.
...until you get it on you clit.
Exactly. Fuck these assholes.
...and used condoms/tissues.
now imagine burring all of your tampons and pads.
Like a good vibrator, it’s small and discrete until you get it on you clit.
Not to be a jerk, but why does he suck? Yes, he bangs models. All the models. And his nonprofit may have slipped into some shady business in the last few years. But he’s passionate about saving the world and does good movies. He also loves his mom, doesn’t that count for something?
Supernatural fan here, this is not the Dean we are interested in.
Only if Ozil is his VP
Anyone who watches soccer a.k.a. football, is a boner.