
Such a good show. This is the future of education.

It is medium. Pilot episode is great. Some TV reviewer once accurately described it (paraphrasing) as beautifully dressed beautiful people, all of whom are sharks. So true - the wardrobe is gorgeous, and there aren’t really any stupid characters on the show. Like many middling cable dramas it can be a little

I haven’t watched any of season 6 but it’s pretty decent. And it has some pretty solid feminist chops—part of season 2 dealt with a fairly large gender discrimination case. It treats it female characters well. The firm is lead by Gina Torres’ Jessica Pearson who cuts through bullshit like butter. Markle’s

It has Gina Torres. For her to grace it with her presence, it has to be.

These kids, are they grrrrreat?

If Elle Fanning lost a toe to an escalator it would only be the second worst thing to ever happen to her (The Neon Demon would be the first).


I like estuaries.

I have a cat named Lady Gaga. She has to wear pajamas because of her over grooming. You can feel bad for her. And also think she is adorable.

When I was in high school, the thing my parents were most proud to show to whomever I was dating at the time was the photo in our family album of the two of them at some film festival in Bal’more, with my dad beaming between Waters and Divine. My dad also proudly recounted how he would visit Edith Massey’s junk shop

When people say it, they don’t mean it. It’s an empty threat. “I’m going to run away from home, dad!”

That is such a privileged soaked statement. Guess what asshole, not everyone has the resources to just up and leave and move to another entirely different country and start all over. Some of us have to do the best to make where we live as good a place as possible and this shit isn’t helping.

Sorry, I didn’t get that. Could you say it...louder?

Those are her bathing diamonds, not to be confused with her sleeping or getting dressed diamonds.

I think you mean Decea5ed Rodent don’t you?

Right? plus its such a good word... the one of the few things Brits get right. not sure what the rub is with it. Twat sounds much more offensive and more gross than cunt

They’ll pay her in lossless copies of “Lemonade” and “Rebel Heart.”

“Look, we understand that babies need to eat. So, we were wondering if you wouldn’t mind feeding your infant in the same room where people shit.”

Khloe’s sister