
Watching porn with your significant other is one thing. Watching porn featuring a young girl you’ve know her whole life who you found attractive at the age of 12 your wife is the real icky part of this scenario.

Same. Though I can’t afford to replace my shoes, so I’m just going to sew patches over the logos.

It’s times like this I really wish that there WAS a Gay Mafia, and that their Beverly Hills chapter could make her life a living hell.

Tubal ligation gift certificate?

If it’s a good friend, get the scented press-ons.

I miss Mark :(

Reminds me of Elaine Stritch - another woman with eternal great gams!

Legs for days gays

they ankled those months ago.

It took me much longer than it should have to realize that this was not going to be a Legislative Report.

This is Bobby Finger reporting LIVE from Jezebel HQ with your daily Leg Report. [Cue old timey police siren] Today’s

Exactly. Even in our self-hate, some of us are still egotistical as shit.

Unfortunately, and at least this is the overarching impression I got from parents I didn’t care for when I was working in childcare, many people with your parents attitude and frankly my parents attitude view their children as extensions of themselves. And this is why I feel like some parents have a huge problem when

It’s going to be on the 24th, cause fuck Christmas and your weekend.

God, yes. Pinkham’s BCO/OTM segment has all but withered away. Sucks, because that shit was the only thing that made Monday morning bearable.


Obligatory seconding

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

My thoughts, exactly!

Will watch solely for baby lion holding. Come at me.