The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.
There are days when I think very seriously about quitting my job and going to med school to be an ob/gyn who performs abortions. This is one of them.
Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.
Also, how the hell do you train a dog to not eat a Dorito you stick in his mouth?
Exactly. Because not wanting to take a picture with some rando kid is exactly the same as blowing up a busload of orphans!
Starred for undying lands. Ya nerd!
You didn’t think the train scene in Risky Buisness generated heat? We’ll agree to disagree on that one.
I am a straight female and I also believe everyone is gay and that Tom Cruise is asexual
The song Drake and Taylor Swift are working on together “is about his failed romance with Rihanna.”
Why the hell would you ever want your MIL in the delivery room? My own mom wanted to be in the delivery room with me and I gave her a hard pass.
Poor Tom Cruise. I wonder what his problem is. I know everyone thinks he’s gay but I just don’t see it, and I’m one of those gay guys who thinks everyone is gay. But something is going on with him. Perhaps he’s asexual or has a Troy McClure-level unspeakable fetish? I just can’t imagine him having sex and I’ve never…
Kris Jenner was in the delivery room when Chyna gave birth, but Chyna “ignored” her.
I tried doing this with my dog, but he has his long-suffering, “I love you because you’re my human, but why do you hurt me so” sad puppy eyes down pat.
This is an Article about dogs, not house trained Alpaca.
Well duh, he’s a boxer. Those are best dogs in the whole wide world yes they are yes they are.