
The MS accessibility controller is one of the most beautiful stories in gaming in the past decade. It doesn’t make any money, it’s for an extremely select audience and practically nobody knows about it. But it’s a game changer (literally ) for the people who use it. I’d love to see first party offerings from the other


He’s just following his mentors footsteps.

Eh, the broken bits are mostly there to protect the heatsink inside. As long as you don’t let anything hit/bend those fins, there’s really no harm in leaving it as is. You won’t impact the performance of the device at all. If you think you’ll damage it, then maybe you ought to consider repairing/replacing it.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

Watch. Xbox Series X is gonna get shortened by the gaming community into “XBSeX”.

I’m a little disappointed because I have been waiting for the announcement of a Switch Plus/Pro with better specs (screen, processor, etc.) and this minor update indicates a newer model won’t be coming soon or coming at all. Personally, I don’t play my Switch on portable mode enough to justify upgrading, but it’s a

Every time I get back into this game, I say I am going to finally try a healer or a tank, but I always chicken out and go back to DPS. The stress of the responsibility of those classes makes it hard for me to get in to them. That coupled with the fact that I wouldn’t want to let the other players in my party down and

Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

All hard drives have a finite lifespan. Heck, old games used batteries for save data that had a lifespan even if you’re not reading/writing on them. This is not a new issue for a game console.

SSDs last far longer than standard HDDs, don’t generate as much heat(huge killer right there), and dissipate it quick too. Bought a SSD 3 years ago, still has 94% lifetime left in it, per what HD Sentinel reports.

That something that was a incredible act of kindness from Iwata back then imo. Every other CEO at the time (and even now of course) would’ve layed off a huge number of employees but instead he cut down on his paycheck.

So what happens when they reach their ‘full potential’?  Is it like some sort of Quickening, where they obtain the prize? Do they finally cum?  Can there only be one?

For those afraid/happy this means Activision is having financial trouble: nah they just give zero fucks for their employees and the US Executive Branch’s obsession with trickle down economics (which do not, and never will work) has enabled and rewarded this behavior.

I don’t think I’ve bought an Activision game since the horseshit they pulled on Infinity Ward when Modern Warfare 2 came out.

Man, this past weekend must have been hell for people working at Activision, knowing that you might be sacked in a few days. What an awful situation, especially since if this was Nintendo, the upper management would have taken a pay cut instead.

Weird how this eventually happens to all who partner up with Activision...

Welcome to corporate politics.