
If you’re wondering why I only put Pokémon Red, and not Blue, in the last section it’s because Red is worth more... and is obviously the superior of the two versions. Everyone knows it’s true.

What does it mean when you plagiarize a statement on inappropriate conduct? In an academic context, this would earn someone a 0 on the assignment and possibly failure in the course. My bigger concern is that Quantic Dream was looking for something appropriately contrition-y, rather than really considering what these

Looks sweet, but why the dig at the movies? They were surprisingly decent and had a great feel. Better than lots of other attempts at comic-to-screen attempts.

My only feelings on that clip

Yeah, but the true reason for the Vita’s failings were mainly Sony’s shortcomings in supporting and marketing the device. They already had to work against a poor first showing with the PSP and did next to nothing to assure the masses that it was a system worth picking up.

Hell, I didn’t get mine until well after Sony

previously, on the last decade of your life...

Everyone dies except Hawkeye. Then, in Part 2, he shoots the gauntlet off Thanos’ hand with a “gauntlet-remover arrow,” uses it to reincarnate everyone, and collectively they kick gauntlet-less Thanos’ ass.

You hear that, Link? Time to grow up and take responsibility for the world around you.


or adverbs ;)

Translation: We have no experience with the internet.

I’ll give Peter the benefit of the doubt, but I can’t help feeling they missed a golden opportunity...

“You sure you’re not from the DC universe?”

I also assume it will be pumped with lootboxes microtransactions and season passes as well

Bruh ya fucking me here

I’m not usually that big on cosplay, but holy shit this one is good.

Nearly wrote “Florida Man” about five times while putting this together.

Heisenberg is second in line. I wonder what the CMC would say about his cutie mark. lol