Straight Up Gay

“without basic civil rights” lol like all those poor college students who have free tuition paid by their parents? or those increasing amount of early 20s people who still live with their parents, rent-free? I guess that’s what lacking rights looks like. yes, there are some people with “unfit parents” but the vast

Why stop at 16, then? Why not 15, 14, 13?

not sure why drinking is a measure of adulthood on par with enfranchisement and consent? do people who never drink never reach adulthood? but if anything, that would be an argument to lower the drinking age, not the voting age.

fuck, that sounds awful. I’m really sorry. I hope you have a bit of $$ saved up and/or family/friends that can take you in. best of luck to you.

As a lesbian, I have SEVERE ex-gf jealousy for any current partner, but I try to quell it as much as possible because I know it’s my problem, not hers.

However, I dated someone for about six weeks over a year ago, and she never stopped having feelings for me. She was extremely critical of anyone I dated (maybe

Great story. My roommate during my freshman year of college went out with her friend dancing at a somewhat trashy club. They both “dirty danced” with guys that weren’t their boyfriends.

When they told their boyfriends, they weren’t jealous or mad. So the two women got pissed off that their boyfriends weren’t pissed

I don’t get it...why are people using code names and not just saying the name of the restaurant?

meh, it’s a little different. women are no longer under the control of their husbands (at least not as much) and can be autonomous beings and even *own* things! gasp! children, not so much.

we DO have a consistent measure of LEGAL adulthood in this country. 18. no longer need parental consent to do things? you’re an adult.

I agree that people that young shouldn’t vote, but - not every child is saved from being tried as an adult til 18. particularly heinous/violent crimes often cause the child to be tried as an adult, even if they are in the single digits of age.

not every, but most would. particularly if they are still considered to be under their parent’s guardianship. if you aren’t old enough to decide what happens to you medically, or to rent an apartment by yourself, or do many, many things by yourself as a 16 year old without parental consent, you certainly shouldn’t

naw, we shouldn’t allowed 16 year olds to vote because that would be FAR too many “extra” votes for parents of those children, and more conservative people tend to have children than liberal, sooo...that’s more conservative votes for kids who would be bullied into voting for a certain person based on what their

Voting age should be directly tied to age that you are allowed to serve in the military. If you can die for this country, you sure as fuck should be able to vote for who sent you to the war that killed you.

same here! I thought I *hated* exercise until I started lifting. then, I consistently worked out at least 2-3 times a week for TEN MONTHS. then, I moved in with my girlfriend...sigh. I can still get back on the horse, right?! it’s only been like 3 weeks...and I’ve still worked out a couple times...just not multiple

See, I watched that movie when I was maybe 13, and I just...didn’t get it. And EVERYONE raves about that movie so I’ve been telling myself I’d try it again (still haven’t). Maybe my initial impression that it was garbage was right...?

Just kidding, I followed the clickthrough. :)

are they still taking donations??

Freida Pinto, for me. Hands down.

Women can be gay too ;)

No, men are just bad at sex.