
Well your first comment was a rant of a crazy person.

I have a secret for you: These people don’t care about fetuses being born. They care about punishing women for having sex. There exist, I assume, people who sincerely believe that abortion is murder. But I’ve yet to find one who also supports robust, holistic governmental and social support for these unwanted

No, hear me out. If you kill everyone, then there are no more abortions or innocent children. Also, no more child hunger or abuse. No more pedophiles. Seriously, if we just kill everyone it will be so much better.

Why not just kill all the people? If there are no people, then there won’t be any abortions or innocent children. Problem solved.

Who can turn the world on with her hair.

Just arrived at Camp David, where I am monitoring the path and doings of Hurricane Harvey

It means the Syria and MOAB bombings didn’t boost his numbers in the long term so he needs to start a war.

Now playing

Considering the legal status of Puerto Rico within our government, I find Trump’s tweets to be honestly some of the most reprehensible statements he’s made since taking office.

“As families prepare for summer vacations in our National Parks - Democrats threaten to close them and shut down the government. Terrible! A true leader would sell them to private interests!”

Elizabeth Warren, please sit down and shut up. Obama is no longer president, and him taking money for a speech is perfectly goddamned reasonable. If you’d like your party to ever have actual relevance on the national scale, shut up about Obama and start grinding the grassroots at the state and local levels.

Paul Ryan didn’t catch anything from Trump, that’s a pre-existing condition.

Per my lovely wife, So if I am speeding through a town, hit someone and kill them, it is really the local police’s fault that the person was killed. Because if they had stopped me for speeding, I wouldn’t have killed the person.

Isn’t his whole thing about “bailing out insurance companies” just him not wanting to make the normal federal payments as part of the ACA so every insurance company doesn’t drop out of the marketplace and leave everyone with a plan through the marketplace completely fucked?

This is my go-to example of sequels damaging an original. Had those cheesy sequels not been made, I think this movie is rightly remembered as one of the great comedies of all time. I think the sequels damaged the reputation that the original had.

So in other words it was another shitty, crazy day.

Prior to the implementation of Obamacare, Wisconsin had a state-run high-risk pool that, according to Ryan, “was pretty actually darned good.”

So I found a baby bird and took it to a wildlife rehab center and while I was there this woman started talking about how her husband has been out of work. And then she started shouting with joy that that’s going to change because “now we have Trump!” And I had to stifle a snort.

$400k ain’t nothing for him after he literally saved the fucking world economy, car industry, moved money around to ACA, Lilli Ledbetter, and so, so much more.

I’m fine with Obama making 500K for a speech or millions for a book. What does that have to do with income equality? Now, if he was like the Walton Family, and making billions while their employees are on public assistance, I would be mad. So until Obama’s paying his employees $7.5 an hour while making millions, I’m