
Wait...Ann Coulter and her fans need a “safe space” for her to speak? I thought conservatives poo-poohed the notion of safe spaces. I mean, they sneer at it when feminists and other progressive activists suggest that they have safe spaces.

From the Washington Post article about “Free Speech Week”:

NPR reports that confusion reigns as to why precisely the appearance was cancelled

I’m sorry, Bobby, but if you cannot see the direct and clear way these stories are interconnected, then you have no business writing for this site. #Illuminati

This guy has been employed by Fox for the entire duration of their Obama Derangement Syndrome plus the whole of the last election and he’s only just realizing the place was hella racist?

I was obsessed with my super poofy pink Jessica McClintock dress with butterfly appliqués. I don’t know why anyone would want to miss an opportunity to wear a long gown! It’s funny too, because even the long gown are WAY more sophisticated than what we wore.

Everything is political. We forget this at our peril. And I am sick to death of “feminist” being assumed to be a label for shrieking harpies instead of being understood as simply an equal rights position.

Somebody’s marketing director checked the ratings demographics and changed course really damn quick.

“I don’t feel like it’s a male or female story; it’s a survival story.” 

And here’s the other thing: For the sake of arguments, let’s be a completely cynical TV exec who is thinking about the bottom line and profit margins etc. etc.

It’s so CLEARLY a story about women and women’s rights. Yes, there are men in it too, of course, but the novel isn’t about “humans.” It’s about women. Like, why are we even discussing this?

“Our goal is to facilitate positive discussion among solution-oriented people who believe in the power of sharing ideas and personal connections.”

Remember, though, that the Conservative wing isn’t AT ALL misogynist and the fact that Hillary lost in those traditionalist southern and midwestern states is JUST BECAUSE OF HER EMAILS.

Me too, I LOL’d.

You have a Stupid airline SLUT!!!!appearance

I don’t know if you have kids.....but I’m sure if you do....when they were born

It’s not that surprising that Le Pen and Mélenchon got the most votes. They might be far-left and far-right, but both are anti-globalization and isolationist.

Don’t you see? Les Deplorables are the real victims here, having to live alongside people who are different from them AND being called out for being xenophobic!

I gotta say, watching the French election post Trump is a dread-packed endeavor. At least with Brexit I, sweet summer child that I was, could say “u fuckin morons.”

Telling: An article critical of Bernie for abandoning women’s reproductive rights being swarmed by his defenders who, what else, pivot to bitching about a woman who hasn’t been a major political player since November 9th, 2016.