
Also: half the people going to college don’t need to be going to college. This unnecessary level of education results in this kind of problem.

This take is so bad, CNN should offer you a prime time slot!

Wtf? When I was a kid, the Joker was in the LIVINGROOM, peeing on the wall. Why would you pee on the bathroom wall? The toilet is RIGHT THERE. Stupid.

Lol can I ask you: what on earth is the point of pre-ordering a STEAM GAME?!?!?! Like, are you worried they are gonna... run out? Because historically, that was why you pre-ordered a game; the physical store might run out of physical copies.

Quick, someone get me some “Told you so” / victory dance .gifs! Hey idiots! Most people with a brain knew two things months ago: 1) Never pre-order a game, 2) this game is going to be about as fun as Spore. Enjoy your $60 lesson in smart consuming!

Puss generation? Maybe we should fucking show this geriatric Nazi fuckface exactly how scary we can be.

That’s the same nose vagina from all my nightmares!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME, NOSE VAGINA!?!