
Honestly, this is pretty good news. JJ loves the franchise, has worked with Disney, and put out a good film already.

Typing it out is excusable. What’s not excusable is:

Well played.

OMG, lul.

I don’t think most of the people saying Make America Great Again care if the Jews have resort in the Catskills in the Again.

So when people say Make America Great Again I think this is the Again they are talking about.

Cops really are absolute shits when it comes to de-esculation.

“his client was just trying to de-escalate the situation with the driver”

Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

That’s ABC News chief national correspondent and World News Tonight anchor Tom Llamas up there, live from

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.