When your co-workers are openly saying “I’m glad you’ve embroiled yourself in an ethics scandal to distract the public from my own ongoing ethics scandal.”, it’s entirely possible there’s an ethics problem with the organization as a whole.
When your co-workers are openly saying “I’m glad you’ve embroiled yourself in an ethics scandal to distract the public from my own ongoing ethics scandal.”, it’s entirely possible there’s an ethics problem with the organization as a whole.
“Damn Americans, coming here and taking our jabs”
So it was really Mexico in the sixth and not America first.
He should have stuck with fencing.
The bottom line is you shouldn’t be over charged for what you did. In Virginia murder is the killing of someone with malice aforethought (you intended to kill). This person fucked up. But it doesnt sound like he intended to kill. And the charging and conviction of him for that is a miscarriage of justice. And just…
Georgia! Did you hear that? GEORGIA!
Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.
He’s better than anyone the Denver Broncos threw out there last year.
And in our desperation we turned to a city we didn’t fully understand.
username checks out
I put a lot of thought in before I decide whether I’m going to look at images like this—don’t want to make a snap decision.
If there were anymore salt in this post, I’d need some pepper.
I think there’s a segment of humanity that would genuinely benefit from a sex doll, whether that’s the mentally-disabled who are incapable of understanding (or giving) consent, people with crippling social anxiety who need some semblance of physical companionship, or emotionally-disturbed individuals who don’t have…
My parents always used the proven hang a tennis ball from a string trick when I was a kid.
She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
Two phony rocket attacks in one week.
These kinds of sick bastards need off the streets and jailed for life. Done. No trial. No parole. Game over.