According to Wikipedia, the Wii U was a 3 core system clocked to about 1.24GHz. It has a Radeon R600/R700 based GPU and 2GB of RAM. 1GB of RAM is dedicated to the OS, and 1GB to games. It also released on 2012.
According to Wikipedia, the Wii U was a 3 core system clocked to about 1.24GHz. It has a Radeon R600/R700 based GPU and 2GB of RAM. 1GB of RAM is dedicated to the OS, and 1GB to games. It also released on 2012.
And the TurboGrafix 16 / TurboExpress. I have memories of commercials showing Bonk playing on the TV then on the handheld, from the same game card.
Only the emergency switch is actually an on/off toggle. The other three are mode selects that cycle through 3 or 4 options. There is a touch screen that I’m sorry to say some AC controls are only available through. Plus the radio and maps of course.
the Internet: Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI.
Suicidal motorcyclist is generally a redundant phrase. Between the squiddies that lane split at 90mph, or the guys that change lanes so close in front of you that you can’t see their back tire at all. Any time I hear about a motorcyclist getting into an accident it’s always. always because he pulled in front of…
While I can’t disagree with the “stop being shitty drivers” points, you’re basically you’re saying let the motorcyclist do what ever they want, and screw everyone else. Lane splitting even though it’s dangerous when not at a stop. Don’t break our little formations. Stay out of our way in the left lane.
To be fair, infinity is the correct spelling, it’s the car maker that needs a dictionary.
Looks like the Prius was passing the black car and the Motorcycle got splinched. I can’t see the blinker on the Prius, but all you posted was an idiot bike rider passing a car he shouldn’t have.
It depends on what she’s doing. I’m trying (again...) to replace sodas with water. Instead of consuming multiple 150 calorie cans per day, it’s now basically 0. In theory I should start losing a little weight over time. Obviously It’s because I’m reducing calories, but some people don’t think about it like that.
Like others said, you can die from drinking too much water. The article even notes that drinking too much can mess with kidney function.
Neutral: I don’t know enough about anything about cars to count as a Jalop, but I went from a RAV4 to a ‘10 FJ Cruiser to a ‘16 Miata then to a ‘17 Mustang. I much prefer the cars over the SUVs (though I do miss my FJ). It just feels better low to the ground. Maneuverability is better. It’s a pain not being able to…
yes, please. I don’t want to be told bless you any more than I want to be wished merry christmas. The gesture is nice, but you’re not saying it for me, you’re saying it because you think it’s polite. You’re saying it because your parents and grand parents told you to, because they believed that sneezing was the devil…
I just skimmed the article because I’m not in the market for these. But until Cortana understands the difference between do something and search for something, I wouldn’t waste my money. “Hey Cortana set volume to fifty percent” should not open a browser window.
IIRC the TIE Fighters were mass production models, cheap and plentiful. Interceptors were recon ships. While they were faster and more maneuverable they were also expensive enough to keep them “elite.” Defenders were by far my favorite, but were prohibitively expensive to mass produce and further development was…
hot take bro. don’t burn yourself.
as the owner of a ‘17 GT I had to watch. It would have been a better visual if the HP/Weight/Cost bars just changed to the new value instead of zeroing out. Seeing the HP go up, up, up, then 1974. No wonder everyone hated the Mustang II.
“and you suddenly realized the fruits of your labor”
Well he was kinda dropped on his head as a baby...
Agree Jupiter is number 1. The system is Sol, Jupiter, and some miscellaneous debris.
As someone who couldn’t get laid in a brothel, if it wasn’t for porn I would have gone on a shooting spree long ago. Porn saves lives.