
But you know as well as I do that when people disregard “race, sex, or any other consideration” they hire white men. That’s what that language means. That’s what you’ve absorbed, whether you want to admit it or not. That’s how you fully justify all white male cabinets, boards, workplaces. That’s how you justify sexism

That is a bullshit thinly veiled excuse for sexism.

would you say you’re.... thrillary’d?

Come on Jez! We can do this! Hillary would make half her cabinet women....and she’s a feminist....and this is a feminist website...so this is a GOOD THING! Yay! Go Hillary!

Hilldog, that’s what I like to hear

If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment —and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal toher and

a political context? lol you are giving Beyonce way too much credit.

Goddam Beyonce fans are defensive.

Any isn’t Beyoncé a little old to be bragging about her “most bomb pussy”? I mean, isn’t that trashy at any age?

Oh lord are we going to really compare Beyonce to Roth? Come on. Good god that’s ridiculous. She makes pop music. Pop. Music. Let’s take a deep breath.

Direct would be, you know, directly addressing those you take issue with. Saying their name and the like.

“Political?” People need to stop acting like she’s Nina Simone or Paul Robeson cause she ain’t. She’s part of the establishment and happily supports it. Just cause she indirectly referenced The Panthers doesn’t mean she’s down with the cause.

All of this is just gross. Like, if Jay Z wants to cheat, fine. If Beyoncé wants to write a passive aggressive lyric about that, fine. If Rachel wants to brag about it on Instagram, fine. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.

It’s diverse because we have light suits AND dark suits

This is an excellent question. I’ve gathered a panel of experts on the female body to see if they can find out what exactly is going on with... all that:

THANK YOU YES. It’s like people forget that there are TWO WHOLE OTHER BRANCHES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that we have to be worried about. We don’t want to thin the ranks in the senate, for chrissakes.

Wholeheartedly agree. Warren is needed where she’s at to kick ass and chew bubblegum.

Is this really a good idea, though? I mean, a woman POTUS and VP? Won’t their cycles sync up and wreak havoc on the White House plumbing?

Nope nope nope nope nope NOOOOOPE PLEASE everyone stop saying that Warren should be the running mate. She can do SO MUCH MORE GOOD where she is right now than she ever could possibly do as VP.