“It takes 3 ingredients to make a cocktail, 2 is an emergency” *Peggy, Mad Men
“It takes 3 ingredients to make a cocktail, 2 is an emergency” *Peggy, Mad Men
It’s very difficult to feel like you’re doing well in LA though, because you’re surrounded by extremely flashy wealth, probably more so than anywhere else in the country.
I hope she took some cheesecake to go, and when she got to her hotel she poured a mug-ful of wine and ate a ton of cake.
This is actually really depressing. We’re finally watching the OJ thing on FX and my first thought seeing her pining for the cake was Marcia Clark and all the abuse she got for her clothes/hair/being a woman. :/
I agree totally with your view of the negative consequences of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.
Yeah, I mean I voted for Bernie in my primary and would happily vote for him in the general. But the absolutely frothing hatred for Hillary that a lot of hardcore Bernie supporters seem to have has really tempered my initial enthusiasm. It feels incredibly short-sighted to me, and the sexist flavor of a lot of the…
Indeed! I see clearly now that her husband’s inability to keep it in his pants reflects poorly on her, and makes her unqualified to do her job!! Such larks!!!
So for the record, this right here is what people are talking about when they mention the nasty misogyny that gets spouted by Bernie “Bros.” This is juvenile, sexist, and incredibly disrespectful. Really just disgusting stuff all around, and I’d wager Bernie himself would be pretty grossed out and disappointed by it…
The fact that this is being criticized is some booty.
It’s all about the *clickbait*.
Yeah, the problem is that in most cases people who invoke black-on-black crime are doing so as a way to avoid engaging in discussion of white-on-black crime. But in this case there were significant parts of that bill that were designed to address black-on-black crime, often at the requests of black constituents, and…
The federal crime bill had a marginal affect on mass incarceration, the overwhelming majority of American inmates are in state prisons for state offenses. Gawker/Jezebel writers consistently get this wrong, to the point that it seems like a deliberate misscharacterization of the facts. Bravo, you're Fox now.
I like how mentioning cis has anything to do with this particular topic. Or mansplaining. White was enough.
Slight more right wing? That'd work if she is running against Romney but Cruz and Trump are goddamn monsters
This is the third time Gawker Media has posted this exact same content today. Trying to manufacture outrage much?
“peak cis white mansplain.”
What exactly did he say that was incorrect? Is it just his delivery?
They were all so connected that they couldn’t move on until they were all reunited.