
Don’t forget the wonderful Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts which I’ve always found really useful for getting reluctant wee readers started.

Oh, that was just one book! (If you’re judging by either of the movies, you have no idea how completely different in tone and how much better the book is.) Roald Dahl wrote many well-loved books, as well as many short stories and poems. Personally, my favorite book of his was always Matilda; as a (presumably) lazy

He also wrote hilarious and very adult in content short stories that don’t receive enough attention.

What a sad childhood yours must have been!

While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.

Uh oh. I accidentally saw an email last night that my cat sent to this photgrapher setting up a special photography session with his wonderful owner NEXT WEEK.

two american kids killing toddlers in the heartland

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

The answer to your question is Title IX. The school had a duty to provide her assistance and investigate her claims. It failed.

“Hernandez stumbled back to the party and found her friends. When she told them what happened, they immediately took her to the hospital. Hernandez spoke to police, and her mother flew out the very next day.”

If I’m reading this correctly, the victim did go to the police. The rapist is serving 20 years for the conviction. Their completely valid suit against the university is that they refused counseling services to the victim (likely in hopes of shutting her up so their athletic program wouldn't get more bad press).

Funny you should ask...

Otherwise, McCraw said, it would come down to a “he said-she said” situation, and the school could not act on it.

If I’m going to be shilling for someone’s brand, I would like to be paid for it.

Full disclosure: every time I see “Beyonce” in print, I hear it pronounced “Bay-yon-SAY” as delivered by Kate McKinnon-as-Anne Romney.

It looks like fairly standard active wear except that it’s mostly black and white and has “Ivy Park” stenciled on every single place possible.

Wedge sneakers are ugly, so ugly.

I actually really hate wearing shit where the brand name is plastered all over it. If it’s comfy and holds my boobs down while running, fine, but I don’t need to advertise for you AFTER I bought your damn clothes.

How much “active wear” do women need?

I went to one of the co-founders instagram accounts earlier today and his latest picture is him shaking hands with the Pope and all the comments are “i hate you for ruining my instagram feed”. It’s kind of amazing.