
Having read the last 24 hours of Heidi’s tweets, it sounds like it was just a dead relationship that took too long to actually die. She mentions they split the relationship in February and he was ‘cheating’ last Fall... this is just a couple’s dirty laundry getting way too much publicity.  I think she is in the wrong

Sending nude pictures to and soliciting nude pictures from a 16 year old is still a crime.

I dont understand this. I dont even like taking photos of myself but others can just be like “HERES MY JUNK YOU LIK?”

Can people stop sending dick pics? Just in general? Nobody wants to see your gross little dick. Just stop!

Also of note: every episode that featured him as a guest on Game Grumps/Grumpcade has already been scrubbed from their channel. 

i believe the point is that he actually does look like a creep

The worst bit is people using this to defend all the horrid shit JonTron has done/said. Comparing Apples and Microwaves.

You can go jump is a septic tank. 

Did this guy come here straight from The Red Pill?

You are coming off as very jealous. Oh and very unstable, but that’s less funny.


What a great word. 

You don’t need to look like one to be one.

Been waiting for this article. To say I’m pretty fucking upset with Jared is an understatement. Been following his (and the rest of Normal Boots) stuff for years and years now. In his case stating with the PS Move video. Holly being involved in all of this makes it even shittier. The two of them can fuck right off,

Strange. He doesn’t AT ALL look like a creep!

Lol, if he was a real celebrity those dumb girls who sent him pics would have sucked his dick.

So they got off light...naked pics > Youtuber dick.

They’re the morons who sent them to a fucking Youtuber. That’s not even a real talent, like an athlete. At least I understand why a woman would want a jacked, physical

It’s obviously not everything in a relationship, but damn... how could you cheat on a woman like that? 

First ive seen it

I’m 89.73% certain the comment was sarcasm.