
You can still play a few Dreamcast games online with a Dreampi.

Never go to into Fortnite. Nothing against it, but when you got a TREMENDOUS backlog, you gotta think about “gaming priorities”.

Good for you.

I thought Drake and Ninja had some beef. Look up Ninja’s Banana Pudding video that was done by Vice I believe. Ninja plays some ball with Kanye and Drake and ends his magical day eating some banana pudding that Kim K made.

I’ll happily forgo a refund from Microsoft if some of their studios are able to give these laid off employees a job.

34 year old me wants to hang out in that room.

I was around many an arcade machine in the early 2000s and that is a very accurate statement.

Transformers Devastation was a very solid game.

What about a Telltale game of Akira based on the manga?

I totally had no idea gamescom was happening. I wake up, make some coffee, check my phone, “oh shit. New Metal Gear?” What a surprise!

I really need to get a PS4 for SFV/KoF/I am Setsuna.

I wonder how fast that version of the New 3ds would sell if they released it here.

For some weird reason, I’m okay with waiting. I’m trusting studio xhara to make an amazing product. Plus, I’ve read that 4.0 is going to be “2 movies in 1" so maybe that’s what’s taking it.

Wow. I figured they would give out the first one and give the newer version time to sell.

They should of made Newman invincible.

Hobbiton? Is that a LoR reference? I wouldn’t know. So, I’m gonna imagine you meant Hoboton. That’s more fun for me.

As a HUGE fan of Metal Gear, Castlevania, Bemani, and Silent Hill, I always fantasized about Konami at least leasing their IPs (if that’s even possible) to another game company to continue to delight the long time fans.

I’m not surprised that they didn’t see what was in the Tower of Joy.
