
I don't understand why so many people care so deeply about a drink they repeatedly stress they don't and won't consume. .

Yes, I need to know if I should support her or shame her. I'm leaning towards shame, because I'm kind of angry about something else. But it's still a coin-toss.

eSure just bought them last year for a whole lot of money (£100 million if memory serves) so my guess is this is part of a brilliant plan to establish the name overseas. Everyone in the UK knows them and hates them.

Believe it or not, Go Compare is even LESS illustrious than they make it sound. It's a shitty insurance comparison site famous mostly for having the most annoying adverts in the history of time…adverts so annoying they rolled out a bunch of spots about how annoying their ads are.

The old 'reverse funnel system'…

No one knows what lies beyond their masquerade.

One of those interviews where I imagine every reply starting with 'Who the fuck are you, again?'

Hey, I like McNuggets without sauce. I hate sauces. Except mayo.

The next time that filthy whore mouth of yours opens, there'd better be two things in it: a Reese's Easter Egg and a god-damn apology.

Sorry, there's only ONE sausage king, and his name is Abe.

The executive orders thing…isn't that just another bogus right-wing talking point? Obama has used executive orders far less than almost all of his predecessors: http://www.presidency.ucsb….

I love Summer School, and I do so wholly without irony or snark.

He seems like the quiet, nice guy in the office who is also the most competent at everything. Not the cheerful annoying OfficeSpace receptionist kind…I mean the guy you remember years after you left a place because he was super patient and helpful when you started and never lost his temper or played power games. My

Dollars to doughnuts every one of the stupid teen breakup ones is invented.

Poirot is an ITV series, not a PBS one. PBS likes to pretend.

Because diamonds are unbreakable, unlike….GLASS! Which is totally breakable! Seriously, it's not even hard.

Minimum wage? Luxury. I remember when they were paid in nothing but apple cores and empty promises.

There's a really obscure place called 'reddit' where these sorts of things may be discussed in earnest. We even have a super cool secret code to identify each other, I shit you not. http://knowyourmeme.com/mem…

"you have to go in with a mindset knowing that there are going to be a lot of other women competing for the love of the same man"

Intern 1