
I was so sure I was going to love it that I made it about two-thirds of the way through until it dawned on me just how bad it was.

A plug for Tim Hayward's Food DIY (https://books.google.co.uk/…, which is both useful and fascinating (If you haven't made your own bacon with three ingredients and a ziploc bag, you should!). The ethos boils down to everyone should try to make every part of a dish themselves at least once, for the sake of


I was cat sitting for a kitten who shat something so foul she actually terrified herself. She ran out of the room and tried to hide from it.

'The other one was fine'.

Like that whole thing about Sandy Hook being a conspiracy? People like Vidofnir know there's nothing funnier than murdered children and grieving parents. Isn't that right? Could you please confirm that murdered children are UTTERLY FUCKING HILARIOUS to you?

Why can't I find Amanda Hugginkiss?

For those who found Better Than Ezra a little too hardcore.

He's the well-shined turd in the centre of the whole Brexit shitbag.

Tigers, however, do not relish the peach. The peach assailant should be attacked with a crocodile.

Now let's all go look at the foilage.

YOU make shitty music for shitty people who buy shitty albums at shitty Starbucks, and then you pour the shitty coffee all over your shitty head and you say HEY EVERYONE LOOK HOW SHITTY I AM OVER HERE WITH MY SHITTY SELF AND SHIT

(looks at the gravestone). 'My mistake.'

The difference is, if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to pick one of them out of a line-up, I could maybe identify Curt Schilling. I just looked up his films and I still have no earthly idea who Mike Rappaport is.

I think Lisa's Rival was also the first use of '…and then try to break that record!'

>I never get tired of Silverado

“The Shoe Ain't Nothin’ Without The BK Button"

I would buy a large bar of plain milk chocolate and use squares of it to scoop out the peanut butter, like chips and dip. I horrify myself.

What, no Griesedieck?

So one of those Balut Council creeps got to you too, huh?