
I'm fairly certain it's 'No blades, no bows', not 'no guns, no bows'.

'Sure we look disgusting,
But whose chops are we busting?
In a year, maybe two, we'll seem tame…
And three years down the track,
We'll be a Las Vegas lounge act,
We'll be back, we'll be back,
Cause we're the Boingers.'

'Edinburgher'? I haven't the slightest how one would try to pronounce that.

The tenants of civilised society are quiet after 11 and tidy after themselves in the communal areas.

Why so many photos? Are you trying to nudge me into spending more of my time patiently waiting for shit to load, so I can see a picture of a black man to illustrate an article about black men, just in case I got confused halfway through?

No Best Exotic Marigold Unquiet Dead?

I'd have married the lass if she had…

I saw this at the cinema on a date, right after she cooked for me. She was really genuinely upset I wasn't as enthusiastic about her cooking as I was about the food depicted in the film.

Hey, E.Buzz, I was a teen pre-goddamned-CDs. We hated the Top 40 back then, too. We hung out at the record shop and listened to college radio and read the music pages of the free newspapers and found a way to find good music. And still I never heard of Unwound till this very article.

"You haven't heard of them probably because they were definitely an under the radar non top-40 type of group. So no music videos"
Yeah, if there's one thing that really unites us as commenters, it's that we got all our exposure to music through the Top 40s and music videos.  It's like you see through to my soul.

Wasn't he supposed to be an Irish cop in the Untouchables?

Not so sure you meant vis-a-vis, there. Maybe 'as opposed to'? Just trying to help, Signor…

"Hey, look at all these great bands!  And also Buffalo Tom, which no one actively hates! Yes sir, some amazing bands, and one which I'm absolutely neutral about. Why, I'll remember The Lemonheads and Nirvana and Cracker for years!  And I'll remember Buffalo Tom till the end of this sentence, at least."

Lollapalooza 1994 for me.  The Verve on the second stage, alongside Guided by Voices.  Which means I probably thought they were shit.  The Breeders, some upstart band called Green Day.  P-Funk, the Pumpkins and the Beasties.  Good times.

He looks like a shaved Jonah Hill in 15 years…

"They don't look too fuckin' good"

@Briam M, that would make a delightful ABC afterschool special.

I believe it goes "There were" (chuck cup of moonshine into fire, causing it to briefly roar up dramatically) (pregnant pause), but it has been some time…

I believe it goes "There were" (chuck cup of moonshine into fire, causing it to briefly roar up dramatically) (pregnant pause), but it has been some time…

Early or late February? Just out of curiosity…