
If those teenagers need someone to help and understand, it is not the job of the women they hurt to be that for them. Women aren’t here on this earth to help men. If young men need emotional support, more enlightened young men should be the ones to give it to them.

lolllllll looking through every response under yours and they are all such un-selfaware displays of mainsplaining.

Except that the fact that they are gendered is the whole point. It’s the same reason why “ALL lives matter” is a shitty, derailing answer to “black lives matter.” No one is suggesting they don’t, just like no one is suggesting that condescension from anyone towards anyone is fine and dandy. What they are saying is

i think it’s really hard to see yourself as “the default.” when these guys see woman-specific support groups or black-specific support groups or black-woman-specific support groups they don’t see minority groups being given a voice, they see themselves being specifically excluded. they don’t see how they are the

See, that’s the trouble: women ARE teaching children to be less sexist. You were shown links demonstrating literally exactly that. But if you want more of that sort of thing, what’s stopping you from creating it? Why is the responsibility on feminists to go out and solve the issues of men—particularly when so many of

Most people do want to express their emotional cravings, it is intrinsic, men have little channels do so though.

most of them were virgins well into their mid-20s if not later. As in years after most people start having some semblance of a sex life. That sort of frustrated self-loathing and fixated belief on women being somehow alien and unattainable seems to sink into their worldview in a really toxic way

I’m not rewarding anyone with sex, because I don’t bestow my vagina like a princess bestowing a boon. I have sex with people I’m attracted to and who are attracted to me. And we have sex together, because it’s an activity people participate in and not an object to give and take away.

It says an awful lot about your perspective that you see no difference between “not catering to men’s needs” and “fuck men.”

“Add to this gendered shaming tactics such as manspreading or man splaining, one often loses the will to engage...”

Soooo... the person misbehaving here isn’t the person taking up two subway seats, or the person treating an adult woman like she’s stupid - it’s the person who calls him on it?

You got it backwards, bro.

“if something challenges their world view (like feminism), they dismiss it out of hand, because they are SMART and have never seen/experienced/engaged with X, it must not be a thing. But plenty of people who are intellectually accomplished in one area are completely dumb in other areas of their lives.”

Good ol’ Asimov:

OF COURSE privilege does not negate the humanity of white, cis men. NO ONE is saying it does. I’m married to one for fucks sake (just like many of the feminists in these parts). What are you even on about? Modern feminism already acknowledges that the patriarchy negatively affects men too, you’re conjuring a straw man

I’m always baffled how MRAs view sex as something women control for nefarious purposes, like it’s a physical shiny toy we’re holding just out of their reach. We aren’t hiding something that rightfully belongs to humanity in general; we simply want to control our own bodies.

That’s also not how opinions work. Sometimes I think the absolute worst thing about the rise of the internet and social media is that you’re constantly reminded with just how much STUPID there is around you.

I just got in a Facebook argument this morning about that dummy B.o.B. thinking the Earth is flat. The person I was arguing with said that “everyone’s entitled to their opinions” and I was like, “sure, but the earth being round is a fact” and then pointed him to an elementary school level article about the difference

how can you expect to make it less shitty but rent stay the same?

You decouple your motivations for doing these things from making maximum profits. Sadly, probably never happening here.

I always wonder about rent control, like New York used to have. I know that a completely free market is supposed to be a good thing, but surely more people would be able to participate in that free market if all and more of their income wasn’t taken up with rent and bills. I don’t get why we can’t cap rents so that

I feel like there should be some accomodations made for people who are already residents in the neighborhood, but I don’t know how that would be accomplished. Like, if you have been renting there for five or ten years, you should be able to get rent stabilization or subsidies or something so that you can stay and