
What is up with the swearing? From “nice guy” just going to his hotel room to ranting anger in less than an hour, for real? All while wondering why women live in fear of men in general, oh the irony! Women are basically raised to fear men, to mistrust men, to believe that men only want sex and if you’re not on guard

Fear and terror aren’t constructive, but it’s also not something that can be helped. Maybe that woman had been sexually assaulted in an elevator before. Maybe that guy looked just like a guy that used to hit her. Maybe she was once trapped in an elevator and she wasn’t scared of that guy at all, just elevators in

Yeah but this isn’t really sharing a burden. Her burden is “is this guy going to attack me” whereas yours is “wow I feel uncomfortable so unfair.” You’re commenting on an article where a woman turned a man down and he KILLED her. Come on.

Well....that escalated quickly. Not so sure you’re actually “one of the good ones” if you can go from “my feelings are hurt” to “fuck you she was crazy” in .02 seconds, honestly.

You know, in an article that is literally about a woman being shot dead by a stranger for nothing more than declining his unwanted sexual attentions, complaining about how you don’t like it when someone gives you dirty looks might be a little insensitive.

Good advice for men. Not as useful for women who routinely get assaulted when they try it.

I met a guy at a party recently. He kept striking up a conversation with me even though it was clear (to me) that I wasn’t interested. At first, he said “wow - you’re a tough nut to crack!”, then “you seem so reserved - it must be difficult to get to know you, but I want to try! Say, Tuesday night?” (I said no). A

Listen to how it sounds as applied to gender neutral terms; “rabid capitalist”, “rabid conservationist”, “rabid christian”; this adjective most certainly carries negative undertones. We’re just so used to having negative stereotypes attached to us we don’t even hear it.

I pay for the roads with my property taxes and income taxes, and also every time I fill my car. Please also consider that a bike going down a road does little to no wear on it, unlike your 3/4 diesel that weighs 40 times as much, so I have no problem with you having to pay a gas tax that covers a pittance of the road

I’ll indulge you.

And if we commute by bike? If you truly believe we shouldn’t be on the road, maybe you talk to your other bike-haters about funding infrastructure for rail-to-trails and bike lanes.

But isn’t the orderer rewarding the employer’s terrible behavior?

It’s not really the delivery person making that choice, it’s their boss who likely doesn’t give a shit about the health and well being of their employees

Nope, both the business owner and the customer are garbage people, because the business stays open on disaster days because they know they can make money off of fellow garbage folk who care just as little about the health and safety of delivery persons as they do. It’s still on you, it’s just not *only* on you.

So as long as someone’s boss says you can take advantage of them, it’s no problem, right?

The employees can’t all just “take the day off.” Unless you mean quit.

Yeah, I mean, you can say you’re just making a broader statement about our culture, but intentional or not, it’s still derailing.

I would argue that derailing a post about racism to shame the victim is pretty inappropriate. But this is your windmill so tilt away.

That is what you are doing and it’s incredibly inappropriate. What you will and won’t spend money on is not only uninteresting, it is not at all the point of this story.