
These things need to be banned until the long term health-effect of living near them can be properly studied and vetted. There’s strong evidence of negative side effects from the constant low frequency pulse of the turbine’s motion. They built one near a friend of mine’s uncles house. His wife suddenly got herpes out

First time I read the headline I thought it said “Howard” instead of “Harvard”, and thought “.......wow, this is like quadrupling down on fucking over minorities.”

We don’t know if it is an act of terrorism. If the motive is political and/or religious then, yes, this was an act of terrorism. If it was any other reason like he hated the singer and his fans or little green men in space told him to do it or he wanted to feel what it was like to be God and smite people or whatever,

Q: How do know if someone is in a poly relationship?

Okcupid has taught me that you can’t throw a stone without hitting a polyamorous person. If those demographics are any indication of offline statistics, I am the last monogamous person under 35.

So which dead eyed blonde lady is which?

So, since a lot of people seem to have forgotten, Mark Regnerus is a Catholic fundamentalist asshole who published a “study” that purported to prove definitively that gay people were not good parents. It was a trash study, and did a lot of damage because at the time it gave anti-gay-marriage advocates an excuse to

The hottest royal and seems to love children. I think I started ovulating and I’m a guy.

I feel bad for anyone that dates Emily in the future.

If my husband was too dumb to find his way out of a locker room, I’d keep it to myself.

If there are women who have interests similar to theirs but women still don’t want to have anything to do with them, then maybe there is another reason that women don’t want to have anything to do with them.

Why the fuck is it impossible for these gutless fucks to let women do anything nerdy or nerd-adjacent without being harassed

‘did i really hurt you that bad that you don’t even want to be my friend?’

This isn’t about getting back together; it’s about his desire to have contact with her whenever he wants, however he wants simply because he wants it. He doesn’t care that he divorced her via text because he did what he did because he wanted to at the time.

Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?

“God’s got this.”

It’s worth noting that J&J changed the way it produced talcum powder in the early seventies to remove the asbestos contaminant implicated in the original studies.

Gucci is so tacky; you’re not missing out on anything. They are the emperor’s new clothes of modern high-end fashion (and that’s really saying something): hideous but venerated because powerful people say so. Whatever; no one will convince me that Gucci’s red/green/multitudinous shades of shit brown color scheme is

It’s not either or, though! We do have to educate and fight these people being radicalized. We ALSO should be conducting raids on their homes and places of business and freezing their assets and sending them to Gitmo because they are fucking terrorists.

News like this makes Mike Pence so bereft he reaches across the space between the beds to Mother for comfort. No dirty stuff, as it’s not Saturday night between 9:15 and 9:22 or the handicapped bathroom stall at the Golden Corral.