oh god not again

Also related: I've had female bosses tell me to never learn how to take minutes or event planning because I will be the one bearing the brunt of that work.

This. If men can figure out how to do lots of recreational things on the internet and play video games, they can learn phones and fax machines.

You nailed it - my department of five people lacks an admin person. Because the work isn't valued. And yet, the unappreciated work still needs to be done - and as the only woman in my department, guess who they always ask first? I'm a pleaser by nature, and it was very difficult to learn to say "no, that's not my

Yes! Thank you!! Although we started at the same, it's pretty obvious that I excel and he is using the following excuses: he can't multitask, he's not really good at retaining things, he can't switch duties seamlessly and he's never worked with a counter part (says the guy who was once in the military). These are all

I used to have a guy come into the break room/kitchen with a dirty glass and ask where he should put it before leaving it in the sink and wandering out. Somehow the obvious solution of the dishwasher never presented itself to him. He earned roughly 4x my salary though so I guess he didn't need to concern himself with

I'm imagining this same story, but without that union (the outcome isn't as good.)

My super awesome mom, after years of working as a successful independent consultant, recently accepted a job as an executive/c-suite level employee at a financial firm. She is the only woman executive. During her first week, another executive told her part of her duties would be to cover the phones when the

"The answer is not to teach women to care less, it's to teach men to care more"

I would prefer it if no one remembered to throw birthday parties at work.

I am currently working in an office with a male coworker who is on the same level as me. Administratively, I am expected to take on more because he is not as competent. This means I do a majority of answering phones, dealing with clientele and duties that involve filing, database management and even creating

Great reference, you are now my favorite.

Eh. It's just an old guy who tries too hard. That's not really scary.

He looks exactly like my friend Misty when she got super drunk at Grad Night and saw her ex kissing a girl from another school and cried through her mascara and wiped her eyes like "Whatever. I'm fine! Let's go on Space Mountain!" And then she threw up.

It's funny you say that because, everything about Katy Perry seems artificial to me. It's like she was created in a manufacturing plant.

OMG, that pantsuit. No words... Should have sent... a poet...

Sometimes I feel like the conversation around Iggy Azalea crosses the line between genuine criticism and just plain bullying. The way people have been handling this situation is one of those times.

Well, he's a man. He swept in and singlehandedly saved an entire genre from the clutches of lesser female writers. See, when women write romance novels, it's kitchy, cheesy crap. When a man does it, it's literature. (See also: John Green and YA books.)

Damn, reading about this (I didn't watch the show) makes me wish that Beck had hired Axhole Rose's security detail for just one night.

Ok, but he was on the highway. Not an intersection or something.

There's no indication Jenner was rear-ended. The woman who hit you, would be the one responsible for the incident and the subsequent aftermath. This is also why the whole...the paparazzi caused the accident thing doesn't fly with me. If the paparazzi were ramming your car, you have a legitimate excuse but in most of