oh god not again

I don’t care about disagreeing. I object to you telling the rest of us that we shouldn’t mention the crash.

I’m not dictating anything. YOU are the one complaining that everyone keeps bringing up the crash on every article, and declaring the topic off limits because it’s “not the appropriate venue” or “time to discuss it”.

Who are you to decide what is or isn’t the appropriate venue to discuss this?

Yes. I see the hypocrisy in a lot of places. Like the glowing articles celebrating the vanity fair cover of Caitlyn (65) in a corset. Meanwhile Madonna (56) is routinely mocked (including on jezebel) for being too old to wear the revealing costumes she chooses.

Two different situations, as other people have already pointed out.

No. Clearly it is the time to talk about it, because people routinely bring it up in the comment sections of articles, as you yourself pointed out.

It’s in the comment section of every damn article because the media gave caitlyn a huge pass on this, and people called it out. All throughout the “big reveal” thousands of words were spilled in the media over the vanity fair shoot and hardly any of those glowing articles even mentioned the car accident, that killed

Agree completely. Also, if it had been Kris or Kim or one of the others who caused a fatal accident just 6 months ago, i just know it would be mentioned in every single article about them. caitlyn has been given a HUGE pass on this. It’s really disgusting.

Interesting. Never even considered bubble baths. I guess that applies to all bath adulterants, like oils and bath bombs?

Nope. Not going to waste my time exposing myself to shitty rape jokes just to dredge up examples to post under your grey invisible comment.

Funny you ask. I just looked at this thread, and posted literally 4 minutes ago was the answer “rape”

This report is pretty comprehensive and may have that particular statistic:

People joke about non-prison rape all the fucking time.

More female dominant, or more like real sex.

Buy her a copy of “why does he do that” by lundy bancroft. It’s the best resource on abusive relationships that i know of.

Word of advice - speak to your employer about whether they will give you a good reference or not. I was once in a similar situation (lost my job because of probems with my then-boyfriend). All these years later it’s still haunts me, because I can’t use that old job as a reference. I wish I had made a point of speaking

Does anyone else have a celebrity blindspot?

dont mind the dress but the veil simply doesnt go with it.

Yes. I know several asshole wiccans. They are assholish in a chill way though. must be all the crystal healing.
