he really is the best
an ex of mine is a doc, and he told me when he was in medical school all the guys choosing OB/GYN as their specialty were ... strange. They all had weird hang ups about women and were creepy nice guy types. this phenomenon of the male ob/gyn creeps was so well known among other med students that they took it for…
so true about the jeans. Also charming: geeky glasses instead of hipster heavy frames like everyone else
he’s not even my usual type, but would bang.
Yeah I said something similar (stuck in the greys of course, boo kinja).
You—like the misogynists themselves—are engaged in a battle-of-the-sexes that neither helps feminism nor solves the problem at hand.
This is really fucked up. So first he attempts suicide by trying to make innocent people kill him with their vehicles, and then somehow he gets his girlfriend involved and SHE gets hit and killed.
no examples as the only times phone calls stand out to me in movies is when they DO say goodbye, cause it’s so rare.
The phone-number answer is usually only older people, 60+
I’m not american, but since this is your holiday and all, i thought it fitting to ask you people a question about your country.
if i had serious money i would invest in a ‘tattoo removal for the stars’ business.
Can confirm. was feeling like shit a few weeks ago and i accidentally watched a cat video (i was feeling too sad to deliberately seek out cat vids) and i was surprised how much better i felt. it was like a small dose of much needed joy.
bf was terrified of this orange when he was a kid, but i only have fond memories
interesting. Is it the psychological factor — just knowing its in there, or can you actually feel it? I can only feel tampons when they are close-ish to the entrance, but if they are far enough up i cant feel them at all.
I’ll be interested to see how this plays out. I was in australia when the GST was first introduced, and there was so much anger over period products being taxed. The government defended the proposal by stating that tampons were like shaving cream, ie: “a bit of a luxury, not a necessity”. Yes, they really, actually…
Yeah, I know what “non disclosing” means, but I don’t see any evidence that it is an actual gender identity. I’ve never come across anyone who identifies as “non disclosing”. not even on tumblr, which is the prime showcase for alt / non-mainstream identification. The closest would be genderqueer. Or perhaps…
“gender non disclosing” is an identity now?
If people keep accusing you of being a troll, maybe the problem is you?