oh god not again

Yes. It annoys me how the media acts all "Gosh darn those tedious Kardashians EYE ROLL", yet it's the media (including Jezebel!) which ensures their continued relevance.

Yep. I avoided eyeliner for years because I hated the way it looked on me (I am very pale, with light eyes). Then I realized, eyeliner wasn't the problem, BLACK eyeliner was the problem. Nowadays I only wear brown-black, or plum liner if I'm feeling fancy.

fascinating. where can i read more about this deal with the devil business?

You neglected to mention how much the cat cost.

It's so much harder to get started with makeup as an adult. I feel that as a teen there is a window where you can get away with crayon-like eyeliner and mismatched foundation because everyone knows you're just a kid, but you simply dont get that as an adult.

I did the same thing with kim kardashian. Seen a million pictures of her over the years, but since I dont watch the show I've never heard her talk until this week.

Oh yeah. Black hair is sooo mysterious in those books.

Lol. I had that particular book in my collection. I always thought it was so silly that one of the reasons everyone thought the new girl (Nora?) was creepy was because she came from Pennsylvania, which is kinda similar sounding to Transylvania.

I've always suspected there are very few pro-woman people in the film industry (thanks for confirming that), because it shows in the kinds of movies that get made.

I've been asked (with genuine concern) if I had a black eye, thanks to my circles. Unfortch mine are genetic, so even good sleep doesnt fix it.

i also use the benefit brow kit. It was expensive, but that shit lasts for-ever.

I think this is where the rule "emphasize the lip or the eyes, but never both" stops being universal.

I do think the big difference does come down to mostly a different style of makeup. In particular, the minimal eye makeup which is not working for her.

Actually, men need to stop preventing women from speaking all the damn time. That's the problem here.

It only furnishes my point further that it was another woman who gave taylor the chance to speak.

Eh. I'm always inclined towards Occam's razor. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

I just described the function and every day workings of the state prosecutor. Hardly a straw man.

as i said. Not the point. The point is kanye's opinion of these artists —- relative to beyonce —- and they both suck, according to him. Read his comments after the grammys. He makes that quite clear.

It's not the point though. With these series of grammy interruptions, it's not about how much the artists suck relative to each other, because to Kanye, they both suck in comparison to Beyonce. That's the reason he's interrupting them.

No, I think Kanye has made it clear he thought Beck's album sucked compared to Beyonce's.