oh god not again

I feel that Gillian Anderson basically makes this show. Without her, I don't know that it could hold my attention, despite the unapologetically feminist screenplay. Moody British crime series have almost reached saturation point in my recent viewing history.

You will regret it. Every time I watch one of these shows with impeccably dressed lead actresses (House of Cards, Scandal etc), I get the white silk blouse bug. Then I buy some silk blouses and proceed to ruin them, one wine glass at a time.

But your original question was "Why is the age difference considered creepy when a man does it, but less creepy when its a woman?" And I've told you, it's because of the historic context. If you don't understand how historic precedents shape current attitudes, then your understanding of society and how it works is

No act occurs in a social vacuum.

I'm not exactly sure what the historical treatment of women has to do with anything

2000+ years of men treating women like chattel has something to do with it.

I'm not about to defend the awfulness which is 50 shades of grey, but this scene does demystify period sex somewhat, so, yay?

Her face is developing the weird modelling-clay look of too much surgery.

I did this for the first time last week. I looked up the facebooks of the people who bullied me in school, and I kinda wish I hadn't. The worst one, the boy who relentlessly harassed me for a full school year is now a doctor, and lives a pretty cushy life in Sydney. I liked it better when I just had my imagination,

Young Stalin, the dreamboat.

I spent time traveling in a country where pretty much all the toilets are single use and gender neutral, and it was terrible. The fucking SMELL. Male pee stinks, and there is simply no way to neutralize it. Even when the facilities were obviously clean, they still reeked. It was so gross I mostly just avoided the

I generally feel that marriage is a bit of a racket.

Can we talk about spanx? I don't wear them because aint nobody got time for that. But a friend of mine went through a spanx craze, only to abandon them, because she felt that they squished her body fat in such a way that she looked weirdly tube-like. She called it the 'german sausage' effect. And after she pointed

Oh I agree. As an Australian who lives in the UK, I'm all in favor of ushering in a new reign of terror. We'll spare Prince Chubbs though, he can have a modest job in the public service of the new republic.

You gotta admit though, Prince Chubbington is pretty cute for a parasite.

A cat I had would only scratch the furniture about half an hour before his usual dinner time. And he would look me right in the eye when he was doing it too, just to make sure he had my full attention. It was his special way of bullying me into feeding him earlier.

cats very rarely claw a person without reason.

Really? Awhile ago I watched a whole bunch of x files blooper reels on youtube (I lead a sad life, clearly), and they seemed to get along really well, they were always joking around and seemed very playful together.

Every photo I see of Kerry Washington reinforces my conspiracy theory that she is actually a disney princess.

Gutted :(