oh god not again

Did you read the rest of my comment? I happen to BE a bdsm-lover, thank you very much. And I also don't believe that BDSMers constitute an oppressed minority.

"To me it's the equivalent of making a movie about gay people and making homophobic remarks,"

Hell hath no fury like a man scorned

That tortoise is the little brother of animals.

The Daily Mail article also said that he shot his girlfriend before shooting the cops.

I hate Anonymous and I wish they'd go away. Like, they try to do good, sometimes, but they are so disconnected from reality and out of touch, their "activism" is embarrassing to watch. Way to go, basement dwelling white guys.

Oh really. Intriguing. Helena towards the end of the first season was one of the main things that turned me off, because it just seemed like such a hammy portrayal of a traumatized / mentally disturbed individual. But if her storyline develops in an interesting way, well, I might get hooked on the show again

Tell me, oh wise ones ... is it worth getting back into this show? I watched season 1 and at first I thought it was one of the most interesting new shows around. But towards the end of the season things just got too silly and too convoluted, and by the time I watched ep 1 of season 2 I was like eh, can't be bothered.

why would you assume that? Because he is blind, does that mean he is automatically an innocent angel? Disabled people dont enjoy being patronized any more than anyone else.

Yeah but pizza, though. I'd regret nothing.

This is something I had started to suspect a while ago. Not just through observing my own relationship dynamics, but those of friends and family too. At least now there is a study to back up my hunch.

This is actually how this type of law functions in reality.