
Egalitarianism. Liberty, and equality, except when we enjoy our casual.fascism like banning Burkas and arbitrarily deciding that people who may be naturally thin can be essentially removed from their choice of livelihood for no explanatory reason other than.that we’ve capitulated to hysterisism and bullshit.

oh my god, a neonate is a baby, not a fetus. when fetuses stop being fetuses, they’re neonates.

Maybe I am misunderstanding your point, but because the mother was unstable when she presented, one of the things done to stabilize the mother is to deliver. I’m obv making assumptions from the info given, but if she was hemorrhaging, getting the baby out so that the placenta is also out would be priority. This would

I would put money on the fact that she induced premature labor herself by rupturing her amniotic sac with the hanger.

I am extremely cautious to believe any attempts at medical prognosis the press makes. Can’t count the number of times I have read articles about my own patients that were just plain wrong. They get bits and pieces, almost never directly from the physicians, and things get lost in translation. Even in the event that

Did she, though? The article makes it sound like she started saying she wanted an abortion at 24 weeks. I’m curious to know if she tried to get an abortion earlier on or not.

I fully understand your sentiment and I think your heart is in the right place but you don’t “know” anything. This is one of those cases that conservatives will cling onto and we cannot disregard fact or parse language.

Who cares what this lady wanted at this point. She should’ve made her mind up long before 6 months in and had an actual clinic perform the abortion. Instead she apparently told everyone about it for an extended period of time and then finally went “back alley” on herself. She is a disgusting monster. I'm all about pro

I'm all for abortions, but assuming it wasn't a life endangering pregnancy, why the hell did she wait 6 months to end it? Personally, I'd scrape that sucker out before 3 months, but after 6? I'd find a gay couple to buy it off me.

Am I the only pro-choice person that thinks the charges aren’t totally off-base? I understand that restrictive laws could have prevented her from getting an abortion earlier, but, she was at 6 months. Why couldn’t she have given birth and given the baby up for adoption? If you are already at 6 months, you will have to

An tragic example of the insane lengths people will go to fulfill their selfish desires and avoid responsibility. This woman didn’t give a shit about her baby or the law, she was determined not to accept her duty as a mother. She didn’t even want to safely abandon the child at a hospital or give it up for adoption. No

That’s messed up that she did that. And that is good she is charged with what she tried to do to her unborn child. If we have “rape culture” in North America, and I agree that we do, it’s not far fetched to say we also have ‘abortion culture’ which is equally disturbing just in a different way

And you know that is the background of this story how?

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but... the article says she “said other disturbing things about the fetus.” Yes, women’s healthcare in southern states blows, but bitch seems cray. If she really wanted to get one safely, she could have.

That’s fucking horseshit.

Jesus fucking christ, “finish the abortion”? He’s a BABY. He was born ALIVE. And I am 1,000% pro-choice. But once you are born and viable, you are your own person with the right to a shot at life. My best friend has a 5 year old who was born at 26 weeks and weighed 1.5 pounds. He’s a fucking miracle. Shame on you.

Thank god Allen was around. He’s just the right kind of edgy. Hopefully that horrible Robert killed himself.

Let’s pretend that the genders are exactly the same, except when they aren’t. Next I’ll be reading about how the NFL is sexist because there aren’t any female left tackles.

Good thing the marines didn’t do a months long simulation that showed coed units under performing all male units across the board. Combat is not somewhere for SJW to make a point. These are the most elite fighters in the most elite military in the world, and maybe we should listen. But no, I’m sure that the only

That’s not an uncommon problem for injured vets, the fact that she’s female is highlighted because of the increased role of woman in combat and field situations.