
Is that any worse than if the guy just jerked off with his eyes closed on the subway? I also don’t understand why it was written that he masturbated specifically “at” someone. Just saying “The man jerked off his dick on the subway” is enough of a mental picture.

Ho boy. Long.

mental illness :/

Intellectualizing will set you free.

This is a load of drivel written by a shitty person who makes crappy decisions and I feel dirty after having read it.

It’s not crappy at all, it’s good advice. What she wrote makes it sound like she’s extremely serious about herself and that’s almost always going to lead to disappointing years. I’m someone commenting on an article she put out on the internet for anyone to comment on, that’s who I am to tell her that.

Dunno, I had a pretty good year. I learned not to entangle myself in romantic relationships years ago because I’d discovered that they’re invariably more trouble and pain than they’re worth, so maybe that’s part of it?

Burner brought up a related and valid point. We can discuss related matters here like adults. Tangents are allowed. You are’t the arbiter of what people post about and frankly you overreacted.

Wait, are you seriously this mad about somebody bringing up a completely related tidbit of information that’s rarely talked about? The fact that you are inventing so many implied reasons to be outraged shows that you have some serious issues that you should probably deal with.

Right, because the Alien franchise didn’t have a woman lead, and the Matrix didn’t have colored main characters. Far left liberals are just dopey about their complaints.

Nah, the secret of Star Wars’ success is that it was a good Star Wars movie.

give me a break with this shit. the success of star wars is their near ubiquitous cross promotional campaign. great, women are seeing star wars, but let’s not pretend it represents some cultural shift.

Um, everything about your article is bullshit. The demographic breakdowns are pretty standard. If anything, this movie was seen more by whites and males than usual.

Lmao you people are so desperate.

Madonna, is that you? Girl, have a drink.

If the baby is able to survive outside the womb (even if an incubator is required), it’s too late to abort. You had 24 whole weeks (aka 5.5 months) to make that decision. If you let the baby grow that far along, you’ve already made the choice. I don’t support 1st degree murder charges, however, that’s just going way

Now playing

What she needs is some of my awesome band’s “music!”

Jezebel is nothing if not hypocritical.

Egalitarianism. Liberty, and equality, except when we enjoy our casual.fascism like banning Burkas and arbitrarily deciding that people who may be naturally thin can be essentially removed from their choice of livelihood for no explanatory reason other than.that we’ve capitulated to hysterisism and bullshit.

oh my god, a neonate is a baby, not a fetus. when fetuses stop being fetuses, they’re neonates.