Larry Dallas

<<A key tenant of both Halloween and socialism>>

I feel like all the conversation here focused on the vegan marshmallow thing and not the fact you refuse to properly roast a marshmallow.

After some quick research, it looks like marshmallows are made most often with gelatin, so yes, boiled hooves and bones. But, there are also indications that you can use egg whites, xanthan gum, and other stabilizers to make marshmallows, so maybe some of your more “artisan” marshmallows (ed.: I can’t fucking believe

Fortunately, you no longer have to suffer this deprivation, if you live anywhere close a Trader Joe’s.

Three words:

Is that still the case anymore? I figured we have all new, animal-free, but still “ignorance is bliss” marshmallow ingredients nowadays.

Dude, I don’t enjoy your purposefully-mussed and gelled hair, I don’t enjoy your edgy biker jacket, and I don’t enjoy your old-guy-with-a-young-shtick shtick. I most certainly, then, will not enjoy your dick.

When he retires he’s going to open a restaurant called The Redasserie

It took four hours and 37 minutes.

Apparently between the 2nd and 3rd photos, he carefully set the cup down (probably somewhere it couldn’t be accidentally knocked over.)

Their popularity mystifies me and I’m a middle-aged Southern white woman with questionable taste.

This is now the second time in a month that ESPN has fallen on its face while trying to discipline one of its biggest personalities for daring to talk politics on Twitter.

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

He’s gonna stick to snorts

except it feels like you do want to victim blame...........

So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed

Imagine my surprise! Imagine it. Because it isn’t real.

I’ve got no shock left for anything Trump says at this point - he was always a dim-witted narcissist and asshole who I now suspect must be suffering from some sort of serious cognitive decline - but....the government refused to lift food stamp restrictions...?

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

Except I think they spell it “Bourtles” over there.