Larry Dallas

Right back at you, Dairy Farmers. I like almond milk. The End.

After watching the last 8 years of a Republican congress do almost nothing besides try to undermine President Obama at every turn, do you think Jill Stein would stand a chance to get anything at all accomplished in her first term?

Thank you for dropping Kate Beaton’s name. Attribution always!

I am thrilled that I didn’t know who she is, thus had to look her up. Now I am sorry I looked her up.

“I’ve been thinking for several minutes and still can’t think of a good wedding gift for these crazy kids.”

“If you think I won’t say anything about soccer star Megan Rapinoe because she’s white, think again, because someone put a camera in my face and told me my opinions matter and I feature prominently in his neo-con masturbation fantasies.”

That is also true.

As much as it pained me to admit it, he was spot on.

“The dictionary is not the arbiter of proper usage. It’s merely a reflection of common usage.” -My Dad.

I’m going to pretend that Jerry Richardson died and they bronzed his corpse.

Ding fucking dong.

I’m glad she supports free’ma speech.

For the 10 football seasons I lived in Boston, the team was 65-95. They were way more fun than any iteration of the team under Sweatshirt Magoo.

Wow. Thanks for the kind words.

I suppose you are not wrong.

Hi. I’m probably an “old” (48). I think the dumbest of us are just harder to keep down on the proverbial farm. While one used to have to work to get their “beliefs” out there (whether it was letters to the editor, or leafletting, or stumping for Lyndon LaRouche) now any asshole with a keyboard can spray their thoughts

The worst thing about the Seahawks is that their cheerleaders are called the “Sea-Gals” and not the “She-Hawks.” Seriously. They left money on the table. Dummies.

Ah, the ol’ “voted Green, got Bush” conundrum.

Never forget, Ansel Elgort is an anagram for All Estrogen.

Regardless, Zeron Flemister is a dynamite name.