
Nope. I think all of the Sanders voters who are going to vote for Hillary Clinton (or any Democrat other than Sanders) are already in the Clinton camp, and the people who are left (the Never Hillary and Stein voters) are the far-left activists who were never going to vote Democrat anyway, a group of people Sanders

That’s exactly the problem though. People who refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton will constantly point to her pandering and how she refuses to take a principled controversial stand. Yet many of them are oferring up as an alternative thi. s woman who is cravenly pandering on a significant public health issue to appeal

My first choice is Sanders, but my second choice isn’t Clinton, who shares a great many of Sanders’s policy positions, but Johnson, who shares none of Sanders’s policy positions. Because we can’t betray the revolution (which apparently has no substantive policy goals). Also, I like that Sanders and Johnson are both

If Jill Stein had any intention of actually doing anything other than running a vanity campaign every four years until she dies, she’d actually try building a political career by getting elected to something - anything - else. The fact that you only hear her name every four years says everything about her character

Stein has this idea in her head that she’s going to get the Greens to the 5% or 15% threshold and be known as the person who changed America forever, and she is willing to risk running the whole fucking thing into the ground to get there.

If we published every stupid thing you thought as a teenager you would literally die of shame, so fuck right off.

I can’t believe Andrew Jackson agreed to be a part of that! Seems so out of character for him.

Or is it meant to imply thin, therefore hot. Because women have no use other than being thin and hot.

So much spin made by one ballerina.

He wanted to make sure she knew he had a penis. That it MUST be mentioned and acknowledged. And not only does he posses a penis, it’s also long enough and uncontained enough to ‘slam in a car door’.

Bad news— 90s rich kid liberal stoners are now Republicans.

Hardly seems worth having an heirloom if you’re just going to murder your descendants.

Elizabeth Warren puts on the Hillary PJs just to drive it home to the last Bernie hold-outs that it’s OVER.

Yeah I found it interesting that her approval rating seems to be inversely proportional to her proximity to being president. Her approval rating was highest when she was safely ensconced as handmaiden (Sec of State) to the president and dipped as soon as there was a real possibility of her actually being elected as

I believe a definition of “viable” would have to include “is mathematically capable of securing the party’s nomination.”

The answer to this is so mindblowingly obvious that I cannot seriously believe anyone takes this argument seriously (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/…). There is also the fact that he didn’t win the nomination. So he’s not terribly viable.

I’m getting sick of this liberal purity test nonsense. Do people really want a leftist tea party that exists to obstruct because it’s not progressive enough meanwhile fuck actually governing and taking care of things. Especially same whiny ass liberals got mad at PBO not being progressive enough they didn’t vote in

A) For me at least, “viable” means “capable of governing.” I don’t think Bernie has the coalition among other elected officials needed to do that, and he certainly hasn’t shown any interest in building it. Partly that’s the both source and result of his “anti-establishment” street cred, but in the medium term his

What should always been mentioned is the current context of her “unlikeability.” She was never going to be liked in any huge way by Republicans, so those numbers shouldn’t be a surprise.