
Sadly, I think there’s a contingent within the Bernie camp who don’t actually give two shits about Bernie, they just like having an excuse to hate on a woman candidate. I wish his support base was as focused on his ideas as they are on their forthing hatred of Clinton.

The BernieBros who are doing this shit aren’t Democrats. They were 16 year olds supporting Ron Paul 4 years ago.

I think she’s wrong for a completely different reason.

I’m going to vote for whoever gets the nomination. They are both, in my opinion, fine. I’m a teensy bit tired of some of the rhetoric, though. And the sexism remains not okay.

>>>>”“I’m a moderate and a progressive!””

Why do you think it’s stupid? I am genuinely curious - I’ve long thought that suing gun manufacturers is the only thing that will actually move the needle on some of this shit - put one or 2 out of business because of the nearly weekly event where toddlers shoot themselves or other people by accident and things like