Oh, Dottie!

“This is why I play volleyball.” —Sydel Curry

It almost looked like that one guy on the Kings bench was jumping up to signal “THREEEEEE!” I guess pretty much everyone is excited about Steph Curry these days.

I’m no expert, but that Steph Curry guy might be a pretty good NBA player.

As an ensemble, this looks fine - nude & black very chic blah blah. But individually each dress is a hot mess

aw, thank you!

I have the dark dysfunctional flip side to this story (but don’t worry, the outcome was extra ice cream and a story). When I was in third grade the teacher sent home a note that had to be signed (for a class trip, I believe). I was late handing it in because my parents were away. The next morning after they came home

I think that’s Rapunzel.

I’m 31 and childless.

This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.


What did 2016 ever do to you?

Since it is also Azealia Banks vs the world, I want Azealia Banks vs. Noel Gallagher in 2016. Someone make it happen.

I would gladly make popcorn and buy beer for a Nicki Minaj vs Miley Cyrus slap fight.

New Life Plan:


We get it you like Blake but you don’t have to go full Mossy Oak.

“Fuck Steve Harvey,” was met with resounding agreement in my family, which is rare. Steve Harvey is such a douche it brought my family together, I’ll call it a Christmas miracle.

Seriously. Happy Endings was SO GOOD.

I’m always in my best shape when I’m hiking runyon regularly-Ive gone 3-4 times in 6 months as of late so...things aren’t going well. I’m face blind when it comes to celebs but apparently I saw Amy Schumer there this summer. As in a blond woman I didn’t recognize in any way passed us, my dog attempted to smell her

Foreign national is a funny way to spell American Citizen.