Gator fan/alum here. Can confirm that. Personally don't wear jorts, but see way, way too many at every single game. Though in all honesty, one is too many in this case.
Gator fan/alum here. Can confirm that. Personally don't wear jorts, but see way, way too many at every single game. Though in all honesty, one is too many in this case.
I feel like this kind of thing happens waaaaay more in Northern California than it does in LA & Philly combined, but people still talk about Brian Stow like that's a regular occurrence.
Also, hate the 49ers, but to paraphrase the great Vin Scully: "Those aren't [49ers] fans, those are thugs in [49ers] uniforms."
The most disturbing part is how many people still wear jean shorts in public.
NFL RUMOR ALERT: Rex Ryan pushing extremely hard to land Ryan Tannehill.
This is an article where someone says a french braid is just one big cornrow...
I had a friend who wore canerows for Carnival and came back to school with a sunburnt scalp. I laughed. And laughed and laughed.
Oh, you with your facts and your logic and your unmasking of hypocrisy and repeated attempts at obfuscation. Put those down.
"I only look like an urban, but I'm all suburbs on the inside. Is there some sort of developed environment term similar to "Oreo" to describe me?"
First french fries, now french braids. Did the French really invent anything???
I rewatched the whole movie the other day, and dead-ass, the entire film is a metaphor for black cultural oppression in the US. And everyone kind of missed it. I think I want to write an article about it.
Just one cornrow or a couple on the side is really cool [as opposed to a headful], but they have to be on the right person with the right clothing.
I remember once this white lady called me an urban youth which confused me because I grew up in Montgomery County, Maryland. Home of Lynda Carter and one of Hootie's Blowfish.
French braid fun fact: they aren't French.
LOL, yes. Or this recent gem: Umm, I'm white and I have baby hairs!
I totally understand because I have curly hair, too!
Dear la times
Where did she get all of those triple bikini tops? Trikini tops?
This was my first thought. Also, where is the extra arm pit for her third boob to fall into when she's on her back? these are important questions.
Well, I think even completely tiny boobs have some room for an implant, but the sternum is a pretty small area with kind of taut skin. I imagine putting an implant in there would be like having a sports bra type uni-boob, but like under your skin....