
Easy there, Julian. Don’t get your fancy TB12 sports panties in a bunch.

I mean, anyone who’s been following the team reasonably closely knows Brady’s going to have no earthly idea what to do without football. He’s likely a great QB precisely because he’s not a well-rounded person with other interests.

“I could sit in this chair for 4 or 5 hours” — Todd Haley at Tequila Cowboy, 12/31/17, 7:00 PM

O wow u totally turned that around on me d00d! Except the part where I never use the term “snowflake” and don’t actually disagree with Kerr’s politics. I just find it funny how the difference between “nuanced” and “human garbage” is whether or not you agree with the person speaking.

I like how Deadspin and Twitter pretend to like Kerr and Popovich because of how “nuanced” they are and not just because they happen to share the same political views.

If I were a lakers fan I wouldn’t worry. Magic has the cure.

Um, you know who pays when your HOA has to compensate you for something? All of your neighbors. Oh, and you.

Safe to assume he’s actually meaning to point out that 70 percent of the players in the league are black and just getting his words tied?

Lol, ask any Patriots fan to trade the last 15 years with a Giants/Colts/Broncos fan

I see no way Deadspin’s ongoing coverage of the New England Patriots could ever fail to embarrass the staff, if the staff were able to feel that embarrassment.

I too refuse to play with lebron

You did say that but the cuck-y “If thats what she wants to do maybe you should accept it, sex work is not a big deal” vibe of the rest of it was really off putting. Like not wanting other dudes fucking your wife is an outdated concept of another era that we’ve moved past.

ffs get some testosterone - and stop giving advice you’re a fucking wuss

In the rest of the article you really make it seem like it’s his fault for not adapting or not putting effort in to making or accepting her life decisions. She decided to do porn all on her own. That’s a huge step to take that effects EVERYONE in your life. You don’t just decide this and everyone has to just adapt

Tomlin would have tripped a player in his rush to tell us.

Don’t listen to Patrick. Tell her your relationship is at an end if she doesn’t quit. If she refuses to quit, respect her decision and move on. As hard as that may be, you’ll be happier in the long run and the children will be happier as well.

Are These Rebounds?: The 2016 Russell Westbrook Year in Review

You’ve never driven in the snow before have you? Sharp turns and hard braking are completely what gets you in trouble. Applying power is generally what gets you out of it...

Has nobody heard that people get a ride to the hospital and just walk away once they arrive? I hear nurses and EMS complain about this all the time.