Black unemployment rates have been higher than white unemployment rates for, basically, ever. I mean, shit, the Wu-Tang Clan was rapping about that 20 years ago-and it wasn’t new then. And that is shitty.
Black unemployment rates have been higher than white unemployment rates for, basically, ever. I mean, shit, the Wu-Tang Clan was rapping about that 20 years ago-and it wasn’t new then. And that is shitty.
What the hell-how can a supposed auto enthusiast be cheering when someone gets a ticket? This is lame.
This whole post is fucking asinine.
This is really only an issue for auto journalists. Anyone who owns (err, leases) a luxury vehicle will have it figured out.
This is really only an issue for a car journalist. Anyone who drives this car regularly will have it figured out.
Someone who is “bourgeois” is a member of the middle class. So maybe not. Though I found Patrick’s snarky oligarch comments lame.
Oh yeah-the entire gymnastics program should be dismantled and every single person with any responsibility should be fired. And probably just everybody.
Crack pipe all day-but some rich ass baby boomer hippie with a bald spot, a pony tail, and a gentleman’s farm is gonna buy this for sure.
That was exactly my point.
I too make race a significant reason to root for or against a certain team.
Ya, that’s the only reason to be suspicious....
Maybe you’ll grow out of the know it all self satisfied phase you’re in now.
I think the Rockets would like to add something to that conversation this year.
Hey now, let’s not overestimate the number of revolution fans.
So the lesson here is to buy a Toyota or Honda if extreme longevity is your thing. But we all knew that already. The other lesson is that the cars you can live with for extended periods of time do a little of everything well but don’t really stand out in any particular way. The Toyota trucks on the list are the only…
So I take it you were a completely mature responsible adult with the judgement of someone with 20 more years on the planet at 22? Seems...unlikely. What is likely is that you hold people like Paul to a higher standard than you hold yourself.
Absolutely-and particularly age appropriate for a bunch of 17 year olds.
Minnesotan and Winnipegians are all quite familiar with absolute zero.
Key is he is doing that now that he’s not CEO of Microsoft. He’s essentially retired.
That’s a common trait for people who are extremely successful regardless of their field. Does anyone think Steve Jobs or Bill Gates were well rounded?