
Agree 100%. This same reasoning applies to many many things across the US, and I’m sure elsewhere too.

This whole thing is fucked. And it’s entirely because the NCAA doesn’t let anyone pay “student athlete’s”. But here we are. The real tragedy is not the coaches being fired, the programs being cut out of postseason play, or any of the money men going to jail.

Team name should be the Oklahoma City Texans. It’d make as much sense as it does in Houston.

His in game coaching, game prep, etc had nothing to do with the “cheating”. The cheating got better players-his coaching made for some great teams.

Modern tribalism-plain and simple. Sports are one way to identify as part of a tribe. And humans have always been tribal.

Tyrod Taylor isn’t bad. He might even be good. But his coaches and GM’s have decided to completely undermine him. Ahh, Buffalo.

Football is continuously undermined by absolutely terrible management. Even the so called experts are enamored with flashy receivers, running backs, and big arms.

You’re math is comically bad here and I can’t help but analyze it.

Solid theory there.

Can’t be that much of a bad ass-we know he’s got no aim.

I dunno, rumor has it he is a master of cunnilingus.

Very poetic. Nice.

I think you’re $200-$300 off per month-and not higher.

I suspect the insurance and tax portions of the payment will be rather variable based on your driving record, zip code, and state specific insurance market.

Wait, wait, who is it? It’s the one and only JR Smith.

That’s kind of the point-white dudes who are good will typically (IE, except for Christian Laetner) be fan favorites beyond where a black player of similar skill level would be. And Porzingis is good and could potentially be great in the near future.

What crawled up your ass and died?

I think LBJ was the most loved by fans and players until the recently. Despite the people still pissed off by “The Decision” he was the most popular basketball player in the world by far-and he appeared to be the best teammate in the world. I think the shine has worn off for the players for sure. He’s pretty similar

Liked by whom, the players or fans? I’m gonna guess the most liked by the players is someone like Leonard. By fans? It’s probably Porzingas at the moment.

Really working that divide and conquer angle huh?