
They recommended 263 years in prison. Obviously they thought he was guilty as fuck without qualification.

45 hours over four days is a long deliberation. There were probably innumerable compromises made.

I have no doubt he was guilty on all 36 and quite a few more. Given how little rape is ever legally punished in our society, ESPECIALLY against women of color and women with records, and given how long the damn jury took, I thought he was going to go scot free. The amount of relief I feel is physical at this verdict,

Same. I want to know more about the verdict.


I read the headline and laughed out loud.

I remember a story about how criminals were forced to live long lives to match the sentences they received for their crimes. I often wondered if that would ever happen.

Thank god. I was worried he would get off and I am glad to say I was wrong. I am so happy there was a guilty verdict and I am so glad those women got justice.

Fucker got the birthday gift he deserved. I honestly thought he’d get away with it. Justice prevailed for these women, and I hope that the judge throws the book at him and he never sees the outside of a prison again.

Finally some goddamned justice.

burn motherfucker

Watching that monster cry and shake was the closest thing to any kind of justice I’ve felt in a long while. Fuck him and may the brave women who shared their stories find peace.

Good. I'm glad he looked so nervous before hand and I'm glad he cried like a baby. What a piece of garbage.

Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.

Now if Flea could just stop picking on McFly.

... wherein we learn that Rainn Wilson is a Pixies fan? Strongly in favor.

Per Coco’s tweet; I don’t think you mature, but rather you stop thinking about yourself first. It’s a completely different mindset. TBH, being a Dad was really good for me and let me give get some distance from what I thought were “problems”. Kinda a relief for me personally.

True facts.

Patrick Stewart is the greatest man in the world.

Weird how?

Like, I kind of agree but I’m wondering if people who find it a little creepy have different reasons than I do. For me, I’m squicked out by the relentless insistence on sexualizing a woman at every stage of her life, *even* when she’s about to birth another human. Like...can we catch a break for five